Please use the IHSA's "Open Dates" service to enter any open dates that you have:  IHSA Open Dates


Feel free to use the IADA/AMP service to e-mail any openings you have to athletic directors in Illinois using the following directions:

1. Log-in to your IADA/AMP account:
2. Click the "View Members" link at the top of your screen
3. Locate the "Filter by Group" field box
4. Type the name of a School, School District, District and/or Division you would like the e-mail to be sent to and select the appropriate option in the drop down.
     a.  If you do not do this step, your e-mail will go to ALL athletic directors in the state of Illinois.  PLEASE USE THE FILTER!
5.  NOTE:  Feel free to repeat Step #4 to add more groups to your e-mail (ex. multiple Divisions, Conferences, etc.)



About IADA
The mission of the Illinois Athletic Administrators Association is to take an active role in preserving, enhancing, and promoting eductional based athletics within the State of Illinois.  The IADA provides a commitment to professional development of its members in areas of education, leadership, and service.  Working in conjunction with the Illinois High School Association, National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association, and National Federation of High Schools, the IADA wishes to create quality interscholastic athletic participation opportunities for all Illinois students.
Message From IADA
The IADA Board would like to thank you for all that you do for the student athletes of your schools.  We all know the time and effort we put into our positions.  We come from small schools, large schools, middle and high schools; but no matter what, we all share in a common goal, and that is to provide the best educationally based athletic program for our students.

Peter Goff, IADA President