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Please use the IHSA's "Open Dates" service to enter any open dates that you have: IHSA Open Dates or Feel free to use the IADA/AMP service to e-mail any openings you have to athletic directors in Illinois using the following directions: 1. Log-in to your IADA/AMP account: https://iada.finalforms-amp.com/ 2. Click the "View Members" link at the top of your screen 3. Locate the "Filter by Group" field box 4. Type the name of a School, School District, District and/or Division you would like the e-mail to be sent to and select the appropriate option in the drop down. a. If you do not do this step, your e-mail will go to ALL athletic directors in the state of Illinois. PLEASE USE THE FILTER! 5. NOTE: Feel free to repeat Step #4 to add more groups to your e-mail (ex. multiple Divisions, Conferences, etc.)